Group counseling can be a powerful and valuable venue for healing. Groups typically provide a teaching and/or processing environment for people who want a safe place in which to process life challenges. Group offers the unique opportunity to interact with both peers and therapists and a chance to both give to others and receive while experiencing personal growth.
Groups may be conducted for a set number of weeks or may be continuous with the population changing over time. They are sometimes homogeneous, meaning they are set up to deal with a particular topic such as sexual abuse recovery, or they may be general issues groups where each individual entering the group comes with a different goal. Both settings provide a rich opportunity to grow in different ways than may be experienced in individual therapy.
Group Fees:
The fee for each group session is $50.00 for 90 minutes. This fee is reduced to $35.00 per session if you are in individual therapy at the time you attend group. The forms below offer more information related to group structure and attendance requirements to help make your group time most profitable to you.
If you are interested in participating in a men’s group, please email Rick Polachek, LPC (SoJourner Christian Counseling, LLC) at or Steve Johnson, LPC (Steve Johnson, LLC) at If you are interested in participating in a women’s group, please email Dianne Taylor, LPC (New Day Christian Counseling, LLC) at
Group Forms:
Consent Form: This form describes the group counseling process and outlines issues related to confidentiality, counselor responsibilities, and client responsibilities.
Biographical Form: This form provides you with a place to give contact information and a place to describe what you hope to work on during your time in group.